HolyCoast: Doctors Still Trying to Figure Out Ted Kennedy
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Doctors Still Trying to Figure Out Ted Kennedy

Aren't we all? This headline from CNN:

Doctors look for cause of Kennedy seizure

I'm going to go with obesity and alcoholism, but I'm not a doctor.

Politicians on both sides have been lining up to laud Teddy in his time of medical need, and I'm sure that's noble. Human compassion dictates that we don't wish even our political enemies ill.

However, seting aside the health issue and recovery, let's not gloss over the corpulent Senator's contributions to American life. He's been a toxic influence. He's proven more than once with enough money you can get away with just about anything, and with enough of your money he can turn America into his version of a socialized government worker's paradise. He's a classic big spending liberal who thinks that life for most Americans wouldn't be worth living unless they were dependent on the government for handouts. And don't worry about our laws or citizenship requirements - illegals have even more rights than citizens in Kennedy's world.

He's a moral reprobate who left a young campaign worker to die in his flooded car after he drove drunkenly off a bridge. If it hadn't been for the first moon landing which occured the following day and knocked him off the front pages, his career might (and should have) ended right there.

America would be better off if he chose to retire.

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