HolyCoast: Edwards Endorses Obama
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Edwards Endorses Obama

You can't possibly be surprised by this:
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) - Democrat John Edwards is endorsing former rival Barack Obama, fresh signs of the party establishment embracing the likely nominee even as Hillary Rodham Clinton refuses to give up her long-shot candidacy.

Edwards was to appear with Obama in Grand Rapids, Mich., as Obama campaigns in a critical general election battleground state.

The endorsement comes the day after Clinton defeated Obama by more than 2-to-1 in West Virginia. The loss highlighted Obama's work to win over the "Hillary Democrats" - white, working-class voters who also supported Edwards in large numbers before he exited the race.

Edwards, a former North Carolina senator and the 2004 vice presidential nominee, dropped out of the race in late January.
There's already speculation that Edwards could be the VP nominee. I don't think he really helps the ticket given how poorly he did in the primaries.

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