HolyCoast: Even Democrats Are Blasting McClellan
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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Even Democrats Are Blasting McClellan

I rarely have anything nice to say about Clinton shill Terry McAuliffe, but when asked about the Scott McClellan book, he hit all the right notes:
In an interview with the multi-media Tammy Haddad for National Journal:

I would also say, and I gotta add a personal thing, I never like it when someone works for someone and then comes out and writes a book trashing them. I just think that is, I don't care if it is politics or life, if he was that upset about everything, he should have quit. Remember Gerald Ford's press secretary quit when he disagreed with pardoning, Ford pardoning Nixon. If you don't agree, then get out. And I just, I find it abhorrent the way these people come out and write books about their boss. It made 'em money, it made 'em prestige, it gave them all this power and then they turn around and slap 'em. I just, I gotta tell you, I just uh, I don't care who it is- Democrat, Republican- it's wrong.


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