HolyCoast: Heck No, She Won't Go
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Heck No, She Won't Go

Hillary Clinton's not done yet. She took a blow when superdelegate George McGovern abandoned her for Obama, but gained that vote back when uncommitted North Carolina superdelegate Heath Schuler endorsed her even though she lost his state by 15 points.

In her press statements today she gives no indication that she's about to quit. In fact, she's still pushing hard to get Florida and Michigan counted, and Campaign Spot has this interesting factoid:

Fun Foreshadowing Fact of the Day: In 1980, Ted Kennedy came into the Democratic convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City with 1,225 delegates to President Carter's 1,981 and 122 uncommitted.

If Kennedy could take it to the convention when he trailed by 756 delegates, Hillary can go to the convention trailing by her current 150 or so.

Rush Limbaugh, today being credited or blamed by the Obama campaign with Hillary Clinton's win in Indiana, noted on his show that the media is lining up to call for Clinton to get out of the race "for the sake of the party". Since when are "objective" journalists supposed to be concerned about the state of the Democrat Party?

Clinton just loaned her campaign another $6 million bucks, so I don't think she's planning on going away.

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