HolyCoast: Indiana and North Carolina Results
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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana and North Carolina Results

Indiana - CBS has called Indiana for Clinton. Other networks are holding back a bit, but it looks like she'll win, but not by much.

UPDATE: With 95% reporting Fox still hasn't called Indiana and the margin is down to 50.69% to 49.31%. Wow. Lake County, which should be big for Obama, is coming in very slowly. Gary, IN Mayor thinks his city may close the gap and give the win to Obama.

North Carolina - Fox calls the state for Obama the nanosecond the polls closed. Must not be close.

Exit polling in both states show a badly divided party:

(CNN) — Just how badly is the Democratic Party divided?

According to the exit polls, half of Clinton's supporters in Indiana would not vote for Obama in a general election match up with John McCain. A third of Clinton voters said they would pick McCain over Obama, while 17 percent said they would not vote at all. Just 48 percent of Clinton supporters said they would back Obama in November.

Obama gets even less support from Clinton backers in North Carolina. There, only 45 percent of Clinton supporters said they would vote for Obama over McCain. Thirty-eight percent said they would vote for McCain while 12 percent said they would not vote.

Obama voters appear to be more willing to support Clinton in November. In Indiana, 59 percent of Obama backers said they'd vote for Clinton, and 70 percent of Obama backers in North Carolina said they'd support the New York Democrat.

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