HolyCoast: Jimmuh Carter and His 48-State Country
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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Jimmuh Carter and His 48-State Country

Jimmy Carter has never publicly endorsed Barack Obama, but it's become more than clear that he's another fool for Obama and wants to go to the Democrat convention with only 48 states represented:
Former President Jimmy Carter says delegates from Florida and Michigan should not be counted at the Democratic National Convention because they “disqualified themselves.”

On “The Tonight Show” today, Carter also warned of a disaster if party insiders try to wrest the nomination from the candidate with the largest number of votes and state victories.

“It would be a catastrophe for the party,” Carter told Jay Leno.

Carter's comments came a day after the North Carolina and Indiana primaries, in which Barack Obama extended his delegate lead over Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The last time there was a Dem convention with only 48 states was 1956. They say the people with senility can often remember long past events with great clarity, but can't remember what they had for breakfast this morning. Perhaps that explains why he has no problem with a 48 state convention.

However, assuming he's in his right mind (and I know that's a stretch), how are the Dems going to win the presidency if Democrats in Michigan and Florida have been disenfranchised by the party and are therefore unmotivated to vote for the Dem candidate in November? It's a mess no matter how you look at it, but going to the convention without two of the nation's most electoral-vote rich states would pretty much guarantee a loss.

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