HolyCoast: John McCain Returns to "Shamnesty"
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Friday, May 23, 2008

John McCain Returns to "Shamnesty"

"Shamnesty" is the name which describes the Senate plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, a plan which was shot down and should have ended the McCain campaign. In January McCain assured everyone that he had "gotten the message" about the importance of securing the border before handing out green cards to every Pancho and Paco that's snuck across the border since the Reagan amnesty.

It looks like he's forgotten the message:
UNION CITY - Republican presidential candidate John McCain joined Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in calling today for comprehensive immigration reform, including guest worker visas to bring employees to California's Silicon Valley and the state's vast agricultural fields.

The two men brought up the issue at McCain's prompting during a global competitiveness roundtable featuring California technology executives and entrepreneurs.

Asked by Silicon Valley panelists on what he would do to grant more visa for skilled technology workers, McCain broadly advocated the comprehensive immigration reform plan he had backed with Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy in Congress.

The same issue brought McCain intense criticism during the Republican presidential primary from conservatives who assailed him as soft on illegal immigration and an advocate of amnesty.

But today McCain, the now presumptive GOP presidential nominee, said an immigration program is needed that protects America's borders and national security. While he called for punishing employers who hire illegal immigrants, he also advocated a humane approach that treats illegal workers as "God's children."

McCain said they should be allowed to seek legal status in a "humane and comprehensive fashion" through a program "they can count on and trust."

Who writes this stuff? How about coming up with a program to secure the border so that American citizens "can count on and trust" it? Why are we dancing around the feelings of the illegals?

All the more reason to flush them all and start over.

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