HolyCoast: LAPD Wins Illegal Immigrant Battle
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Friday, May 02, 2008

LAPD Wins Illegal Immigrant Battle

The organizers of the big May Day illegal immigrant rights protest told the police they expected 20,000 to 100,000 people to show up for the event in downtown Los Angeles. Actual results - 8,500:
Thousands of workers waved American flags, marched to mariachi music and rallied for labor and immigrant rights in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, as May Day gatherings drew light but peaceful crowds.

Turnout across Southern California and the nation was markedly lower than in the last few years, when millions of marchers in more than 100 cities hit the streets on May Day to urge a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and other reforms.

In Los Angeles, where about 8,500 people took part in three separate marches that merged to rally at 1st Street and Broadway, some participants said fear of government raids and growing apathy about prospects for change had dampened turnout. About 20,000 had been expected to participate.
Note how the Times ignores the 100,000 figure that was also predicted. Last year's protest turned into a police riot, and based on interviews I saw with people who did not choose to attend the protests, the old-fashioned butt-whomping administered by the LAPD last year definitely suppressed this year's turnout, and the ones that did show up didn't dare do anything stupid.

They used to have a lot fewer gang problems in L.A. when the cops were allowed to play rough with the gangbangers. Since they put the choke chain on the cops the gangs have run wild. Don't discount the value of an aggressive police presence.

In Orange County organizers told police they expected upwards of 6,000 protesters. They got 200. There were 165 police officers assigned to the event.

The illegals didn't get much love yesterday.

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