HolyCoast: McCain Appeals to the Lefties
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

McCain Appeals to the Lefties

In John McCain's continuing effort to appeal to liberals and moderates while ignoring conservatives, the campaign has been inviting some of the lefty blogs to participate in his blogger conference calls:
Senator John McCain is taking his campaign message to liberal and non-political bloggers. The Washington Times reports McCain invited non-conservative bloggers to join Thursday's regular conference call. McCain fielded questions from the environmental blog Grist.org and the women's sites PunditMom.com and BlogHer.com.

The Times reports the effort has started what it calls a war among liberal bloggers over how to react to McCain's overture. The McCain campaign says the effort is a logical extension of his ongoing attempts to reach beyond the conservative Republican base.

It says McCain will even reach out to sports bloggers as a way to humanize the candidate and break the mold of what it calls "a carbon-copy politician running for office, delivering talking points."

But, some observers caution McCain will have to pick and choose which bloggers to invite to the conference calls because some sites will not treat him fairly.

For the record, I've never been invited.

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