HolyCoast: Nutroots Lefties Seethe As Dems Run to Fox News
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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Nutroots Lefties Seethe As Dems Run to Fox News

Remember when the Dem candidates decided to boycott a debate co-sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus and Fox News? For months no Dem candidate would go on the network, much to the delight of the nutroots left.

So, how are the lefties responding to Barack Obama's interview with Chris Wallace last Sunday, Hillary Clinton's two-day interview with Bill O'Reilly this week, and Howard Dean's planned appearance on Fox News Sunday this week? Not well:
The nation’s top Democrats are suddenly rushing to appear on the Fox News Channel, which they once had shunned as enemy territory as the nemesis of liberal bloggers.

The detente with Fox has provoked a backlash from progressive bloggers, who contend the party’s leaders are turning their backs on the base — and lending credibility and legitimacy to the network liberals love to hate — in a quest for a few swing votes.

In a span of eight days, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY.) and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean are all taking their seats with the network that calls itself “fair and balanced” but is widely viewed as skewing conservative.

With the party’s presidential contest reduced to hand-to-hand combat, Democrats are turning to the ratings leader among cable news channels in a clear rebuff to the liberal activists known as the Netroots.

Markos Moulitsas, founder of the leading liberal site Daily Kos, told Politico’s Michael Calderone: "Democrats are being idiotic by going on that network.”

Ari Melber, the Net movement correspondent for The Nation, told Politico by phone that progressive activists and the Netroots are “not happy about it.”

“I don’t think that it is tenable to completely neglect or ignore what your base wants,” Melber said.

The Democratic leaders’ new openness to Fox reflects the liberal left’s diminishing power, at least at this point in the political cycle. Once feared by the Democratic candidates, these activists are now viewed at least in part as an impediment to winning the broad swatch of support needed to clinch the nomination.

Goaded in part by a taunting “Obama Watch” clock displayed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, Obama appeared last Sunday after resisting the show’s entreaties throughout the campaign.

Clinton had a civil interview on Wednesday night with primetime host Bill O’Reilly, who has often mocked her husband.

And Dean will appear this weekend on “Fox News Sunday.”

Early in this presidential race, John Edwards led the Democratic candidates in what amounted to a Fox boycott. Edwards appeared on Fox 33 times between August 2000 and January 2007, the month after he announced his campaign, and has never been back.

Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, took the boycott in stride, commenting that more Democrats watch Fox than watch CNN or MSNBC, the channel’s cable news competitors.

The Dems are finally figuring out that it isn't just the vast right wing conspiracy that's driving Fox's ratings past CNN and MSNBC, and given the treatment they've gotten from ABC and MSNBC lately, Fox is looking downright friendly.

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