HolyCoast: Quote of the Day
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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quote of the Day

This comes from Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana (h/t The Next Right):
It's about opposing these earmarks, these bridges to nowhere.It's about going after corruption. Whether they're Republicans or Democrats, we can't make excuses for them. It's about being on principled positions. ... Republicans aren't going to get the majority simply by being cheaper Democrats. We've got to stick to our core principles and understand the reason that conservatives go out and vote is they want lower taxes and effective, competent government. They're not looking for earmarks or cheaper versions of liberal programs.

Exactly, but too many Republicans are so caught up in the Washington mentality they've long given up their principles. Unfortunately, John McCain is among them. Rather than stand for something, the current crop of Republicans chooses to accept liberal premises for various issues and then go about coming up with a "Republican" solution. That doesn't work for me.

All the more reason to flush them all and start over.

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