HolyCoast: Today's Quick Headlines
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Friday, May 02, 2008

Today's Quick Headlines

Some quick hits on today's headlines:

Texas Cops Bust Man Trying to Cash $360 Billion Check
Not without two pieces of picture ID, you don't.

Brownback Blasts China for Olympic Spy Games
I don't think that's what they're really called.

States Eye Laws to Allow Teachers to Doubt Evolution
It takes a state law to doubt evolution?

N'western Won't Offer Rev. Wright Honorary Degree
I'm guessing you can add them to a long line of universities that won't be offering Rev. Wright an honorary degree.

New study: 58 percent of black children can't swim...
Does the name "Al Campanis" ring a bell?

Air Force Grounds Jet Following 2nd Fatal Crash
And no TV for a week, either!

Miley Cyrus to skip scheduled Disney red carpet event
Probably planned on wearing too few clothes.

Obama May Levy $15 Billion Tax on Oil Company Profit...
Can you say $10 per gallon?

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