HolyCoast: Dem Congressman Blasts House Members as "Hollywood Stars"
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dem Congressman Blasts House Members as "Hollywood Stars"

Heath Schuler is one of those Democrats that ran as conservative Republicans to win their seats in 2006. He's not impressed with his fellow congressmen:
WASHINGTON - In surprisingly blunt language, U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler complained this week of "a lack of maturity" in the U.S. House.

The North Carolina Democrat accused some of his fellow lawmakers of thinking they're "Hollywood stars" and said many of them spend more time playing politics than doing what's best for the country.

"It's quite embarrassing," he said. "I mean, I wish all constituents could sit sometimes in the gallery and just see what goes on on the House floor."
The House is an embarrassment, along with the Senate. Democrats have never met a special interest group that they don't pander to (to the detriment of Americans everywhere) and Republicans are basically incompetent. The whole place should be flushed out and restocked.

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