HolyCoast: Expect a Ruling in the DC Gun Case Today
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Expect a Ruling in the DC Gun Case Today

UPDATE: A good call from the Supremes.

From yesterday's D.C. Wire:
The U.S. Supreme Court today did not release its long-awaited ruling on whether the District's handgun ban violates the Second Amendment. That means the potentially landmark decision will almost certainly come tomorrow morning when the court is planning to issue the last of its rulings for the term. The case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which was argued nearly four months ago, could settle the decades-old debate over whether the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to own firearms.

Mayor Adrain M. Fenty is planning to hold a news conference at the John A. Wilson Building after the decision is announced.

One of the veteran court watchers thinks Antonin Scalia is writing the majority opinion. If true, that's good news for gun rights advocates because it's sure to mean that the DC gun ban will be ruled unconstitutional.

This case will pose an interesting dilemma for Barack Obama. In Chicago he supported restrictions on gun sales that have made gun purchase in that city all but impossible, and yet gun violence continues unabated. At one point in the State Senate he was promoting a bill that would ban gun stores within 5 miles of schools or parks. That would leave very few places in the entire state were gun stores could have operated. He doesn't like guns and doesn't want you to have them.

How will he respond to the ruling? I'm sure it will be entertaining.

UPDATE - You can follow the decisions as they come down from the Supremes here.

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