HolyCoast: FEMA Is Winning Praise in the Midwest
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

FEMA Is Winning Praise in the Midwest

Less than three years after the debacle in New Orleans (due more to local incompetence than FEMA, though they got the blame), FEMA is winning praise from both sides of the aisle for their response to the midwest floods:
Nearly three years after FEMA was heavily criticized for its handling of Hurricane Katrina, many homeowners and politicians in the flood-stricken Midwest today say that the agency is doing a great job.

In Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin, FEMA has received about 45,000 registrations for assistance, and has already doled out $81 million in emergency housing funds.

Iowa's Democratic Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge says FEMA had "people on site almost immediately after the flooding began."

And even some Democrats who rarely miss a chance to criticize the Bush Administration admit FEMA's response has been effective.

Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill says, "I think they've made a world of improvement both in terms of their preparedness and in terms of their attitude."
Isn't it amazing how much better FEMA performs when there is competent local government.

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