HolyCoast: Hillary: It's All About Me.....and that black guy
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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary: It's All About Me.....and that black guy

I heard portions of Hillary's concession speech, and have been following the post-speech analysis from a number of sources, and nearly everyone is commenting that they were surprised the Hillary spent so much of the speech talking about herself. I'm not that surprised.

The commentators also noticed the loud boos when Hillary first mentioned that they needed to support Barack Obama. As Major Garrett described it from the floor of the hall, there was a point of diminishing returns with the rhetoric, and that point began when she switched from herself to why her supporters should work to elect Obama. Each rhetorical flourish got less and less response.

There are a group of Hillary supporters out there known now as "PUMAs", the shorthand for the somewhat crude title "Party Unity, My Ass". The PUMAs are roaring and they're not quite ready to calm down and follow the guy that robbed their Hillary of the nomination. One vocal pro-Hillary site is already running this graphic:There was also no mention of John McCain in this speech. Perhaps they were afraid his name would draw cheers from the PUMAs. She didn't spend any time drawing comparisons between herself and McCain, or Obama and McCain.

Hillary also did not end her campaign and release her delegates, but suspended her campaign and retained those delegates. I still think she's going to lay in the weeds for a bit and see what else hits the Obama campaign.

I'm sure the Obamessiah is happy to have her more or less out of the way, but he can't be completely happy with this speech.

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