HolyCoast: A Memorable First Pitch Ceremony
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Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Memorable First Pitch Ceremony

Adam Housely at Fox News reports on a first pitch ceremony at Petco Park in San Diego that had a surprise catcher:
As many of you know I am a huge baseball fan and have covered many a story that crosses over to the news side of things. This one takes the cake for our national pastime. Last year we covered military opening day with the San Diego Padres and no other professional team goes as far as they do to support our men and women in uniform. While covering the Padres on this occasion and a few others, we became friends with their PR staff’s which include George Stieren and Warren Miller. They just had their colleague Erik Meyer send me the story and video of 11-year-old Brad Warnick, joined on the mound by mother Irene and 8-year-old sister Ashley, who thought they were just representing the USS Midway Museum in San Diego in honor of their fathers service in the Navy. BUT…..dressed in full Padres catching gear behind the plate was Petty Officer 1st Class Rick Warnick, their father & husband. Petty Officer Warnick is part of the crew currently deployed on the USS Nimitz, scheduled to return next month. Warnick was flown home early to surprise his family on the field through cooperative efforts of the USS Midway Museum and the Navy. This video is what it’s all about.
Great story, and nice job by the Padres and the Navy to make this happen.

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