HolyCoast: NASA Globaloney Scientist Wants Oil Company Chiefs Charged with Crimes Against Humanity
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Monday, June 23, 2008

NASA Globaloney Scientist Wants Oil Company Chiefs Charged with Crimes Against Humanity

James Hansen is the most ardent of the globaloney advocates, constantly screaming about global warming to anyone foolish enough to listen to him. According to this report he plans to call for oil company executives to be charged with crimes against humanity because they cast doubts on his precious globaloney theories:

James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

Hansen will use the symbolically charged 20th anniversary of his groundbreaking speech to the US Congress - in which he was among the first to sound the alarm over the reality of global warming - to argue that radical steps need to be taken immediately if the "perfect storm" of irreversible climate change is not to become inevitable.

Speaking before Congress again, he will accuse the chief executive officers of companies such as ExxonMobil and Peabody Energy of being fully aware of the disinformation about climate change they are spreading. ...

He is also considering personally targeting members of Congress who have a poor track record on climate change in the coming November elections. He will campaign to have several of them unseated. Hansen's speech to Congress on June 23 1988 is seen as a seminal moment in bringing the threat of global warming to the public's attention. At a time when most scientists were still hesitant to speak out, he said the evidence of the greenhouse gas effect was 99% certain, adding "it is time to stop waffling".

What happens if you tell a story but you can't get people to listen to you? You tell the story again, but this time with some extra details and enhancements. If that doesn't work, you pump up the story yet again. Such is the case with Hansen and his globaloney colleages. They'll keep screaming louder and louder until people either start believing their tales, or somebody shuts them up.

Political activity of the type described in the article is totally inappropriate for a NASA official. If he insists on playing political games, he should be dismissed from NASA. Let him be a martyr for Mother Gaia.

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