HolyCoast: The New Dem Talking Point: McCain is "Confused"
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The New Dem Talking Point: McCain is "Confused"

John McCain has the left all riled up again over a comment he made about Iraq, and it's clear that the new Dem talking point is to call him "confused", a slam at his policies and his age:
Kerry: McCain confused, 'unbelievably out of touch'

John Kerry, who's served in the past as Obama's heavy-hitter on national security, expressed incredulity at McCain's remark this morning that the timing of troops return is "not too important."

"It is unbelievably out of touch and inconsistent with the needs of Americans and particularly the families of troops who are over there. To them it’s the most important thing in the world when they come home," he said. "It’s a policy for staying in Iraq."

Kerry and Obama aide Susan Rice also both said McCain is "confused" -- a line some in McCain's camp will surely take as a shot at the candidate's age.

"He confuses who Iran is training, he confuses what the makeup of Al Qaedais, he confuses the history going back to 682 of what has happened to Sunni and Shia," Kerry said.

Rice cited a "pattern of confusing the basic facts and reality that pertain to Iraq."

UPDATE: Asked if "confused" was a shot at McCain's age, Rice responded: "What I meant by that was very simple: That on critical factual questions that are fundamental to understanding what is going on in Iraq and the region, Senator McCain has gotten it wrong, and not just once but repeatedly."

Kerry called the suggestion it had something to do with age "unfair and a ridiculous."

Nothing comes out of these campaigns by accident. Key words are focus-grouped and poll-tested, and you can bet somebody has a file full of responses to the word "confused" and how it makes a senior citizen candidate appear.

McCain is confused about a lot of things, but I don't think Iraq is one of them.

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