HolyCoast: Obama Begins the Process of Disappointing the Lefties
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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Obama Begins the Process of Disappointing the Lefties

Barack Obama cannot win the presidency as a hard left liberal (which is, in fact, what he is). He promised the lefties a lot of things in order to win the nomination, and now it's his job to start disappointing them by shifting his positions closer to where most of the American people are.

He began the process of disappointing the left by rejecting public financing for his campaign, and will continue this week by supporting the FISA bill which grants retroactive immunity for the telecom companies who cooperated with government wiretapping requests. Some lefties are going to try and make this vote uncomfortable for Obama. Just look at this message from MoveOn.org:

On Friday, House Democrats caved to the Bush administration and passed a bill giving a get-out-of-jail-free card to phone companies that helped Bush illegally spy on innocent Americans.

This Monday, the fight moves to the Senate. Senator Russ Feingold says the "deal is not a compromise; it is a capitulation."2 Barack Obama announced his partial support for the bill, but said, "It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses."

Last year, after phone calls from MoveOn members and others, Obama went so far as to vow to "support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies." We need him to honor that promise.

Can you call Senator Obama today and tell him you're counting on him to keep his word? Ask him to block any compromise that includes immunity for phone companies that helped Bush break the law.

Obama's presidential campaign: (866) 675-2008

Obama will say high and mighty things about the FISA bill, but will vote for it because that's what most of America wants and he no longer has to pander to the hard left. He needs to get rid of this as an issue lest the GOP beat him over the head with it the rest of the campaign. A few dyspeptic leftists at MoveOn won't bother him.

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