HolyCoast: Official Obama Website a Haven for Nutballs
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Monday, June 09, 2008

Official Obama Website a Haven for Nutballs

Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs had an enjoyable Sunday identifying numerous posts at the official Obama for President website that included wildly anti-Semitic stuff along with various posts by Socialists and others for Obama. I grabbed a screenshot of one of the posts before the Obama campaign dumped it:Once the light was shone on these various posts the Obama webmasters dumped them down the memory hole, and even had Google scrub their cache files so that even the most intrepid websurfers won't be able to find them again. However, Charles and others keep good records. Check out some of his posts here:
At the Official Obama Site: 57 Flavors of Crazy

At the Official Obama Site: 'The Israeli Connection to 9/11'

At the Official Obama Site: 'Jemaah Islamiyah For Obama'

At the Official Obama Site: 'How the Jewish Lobby Works'

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