HolyCoast: Oklahoma Dem Representative Declines to Endorse Obama
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oklahoma Dem Representative Declines to Endorse Obama

It looks like conservative Democrats may have problems in their home districts if they endorse the radical leftist Obama:

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Democratic Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma said Tuesday Barack Obama is "the most liberal senator" in Congress and he has no intention of endorsing him for the White House.

However, Boren will vote for Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August and will vote Democratic on Nov. 4.

Politico has more:
"We're much more conservative," Boren said of district. "I've got to reflect my district. No one means more to me than the people who elected me. I have to listen them." He called Obama "the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate."

Yet Boren did say he'd back the Democratic slate in November.

Still, I see at least two problems this creates for the Democratic nominee.

First, it gives McCain and the GOP a handy talking point from a non-Lieberman Dem. "Even some Democratic congressmen..." will surely go the refrain when making the case about Obama's purported liberalism.

Further, Boren's statement will surely prompt reporters to ask most every Blue Dog Democrat who had been holding out or supporting Clinton whether they'll now get behind Obama.

And Boren certainly won't be the last to put on his dancing shoes.

Let the dancing begin.

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