HolyCoast: San Francisco Continues Its War on the Junior ROTC
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

San Francisco Continues Its War on the Junior ROTC

The San Francisco Board of Education has no shame:
The San Francisco Board of Education has decided that schools can no longer award physical education credit to students enrolled in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

The San Francisco Chronicle described Thursday's board meeting as "hastily scheduled" and said the four-to-one decision "will likely cripple the 90-year-old military education program... because most students use it to satisfy their P.E. requirement."

Two board members who opposed the change were not even in town to vote.

A student enrolled in the JROTC program says, "It's completely unfair. What am I going to do for credit?"

But Board President Mark Sanchez, who led the effort against the program because of its ties to the military, argues that "if students really love the program, they'll take it anyway."

In a previous post I had information about the San Francisco Board's decision to cut funding for the JROTC because of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of excluding gays from the military.

It's not too late to turn San Francisco into a Navy bombing range.

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