HolyCoast: Senate Votes for Privatization...of It's Failing Restaurants
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Monday, June 09, 2008

Senate Votes for Privatization...of It's Failing Restaurants

How's this for ineptitude?
Year after year, decade upon decade, the U.S. Senate's network of restaurants has lost staggering amounts of money -- more than $18 million since 1993, according to one report, and an estimated $2 million this year alone, according to another.

The financial condition of the world's most exclusive dining hall and its affiliated Capitol Hill restaurants, cafeterias and coffee shops has become so dire that, without a $250,000 subsidy from taxpayers, the Senate won't make payroll next month.

The embarrassment of the Senate food service struggling like some neighborhood pizza joint has quietly sparked change previously unthinkable for Democrats. Last week, in a late-night voice vote, the Senate agreed to privatize the operation of its food service, a decision that would, for the first time, put it under the control of a contractor and all but guarantee lower wages and benefits for the outfit's new hires.

Social Security is in worse shape than the Senate restaurants. If privatization will save the restaurants, how come privatization won't save Social Security?

And what about health care? These same Democrat Senators want to nationalize our health care system and take it out of private hands.

And what about energy? These same Democrat Senators demand that OPEC countries pump more oil to reduce our prices while depriving our own private oil industry of the ability to drill and explore and refine on American soil or in American waters?

We shouldn't trust these people with anything.

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