HolyCoast: Taking Jesus for Granite - Volume 2
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Taking Jesus for Granite - Volume 2

Sometime back I had a post about how people in Florida were claiming to see Jesus in a slab of granite. Well, the Big Guy's on the road again, this time in Texas.

DALLAS (CBS 11 News) ― Workers at a marble company in Dallas say they have a slab of natural granite that has the image of Jesus in it.

Verona Marble Company Inc. takes pictures of every slab of stone in their inventory and posts them on their website. Wednesday, the owners say a customer in West Texas spotted the image among dozens of pictures and called to tell them about it.

Those who look at the 6x10 foot slab say they can see the head and arms of Jesus, along with either a belt, sword or glowing book.

The company has pulled the slab from its inventory and put it on display.

Verona Marble has had the granite slab, which came from a quarry in Brazil, since December. Company owners say the image is unique, especially since hunks of granite are sliced into slabs, like pieces of bread, and no other slabs from that particular piece of granite have the image.

Granite is typically used for kitchen countertops, tubs surrounds, bathroom vanities, etc.

If you use it as your kitchen counter you only need five loaves and two fishes and you can feed your whole neighborhood.

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