HolyCoast: Today's Fun Spam Email
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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Today's Fun Spam Email

Wow, today I get to be an airplane buyer:
I want to inform you that am fully interested in transacting business in your country. My name is Gerald Wharfe Whitley from UNITED KINGDOM {LONDON], i wish to invest in aviation with your advice and guidelines.

i urgently wants to acquire eg, [TWO FAIRLY USED AIRCRAFTS] urgently, Please advise so that i may proceed with furthere informations.I will want you to give me more information of some used and New Aircrafts and also investment opportunties in your country and beyond. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible via my personal e-mail address At geraldwhitley_1@sify.com

Thanks for your co operation.


gerald whitley
Mr. Whitley, may I suggests some Englishes lessons first.

And, in another email, I got this:
你好! 你有未_上_市_股_票要處理嗎?(現金到府交割)==>《超過15,000家未_上_市公司股權轉讓操作經驗》==>也有幫忙了解未上市產業的發展和前景==>如鴻海或台積電或聯電,的未上市子公司==>如果其他人有需要幫忙轉寄諮詢熱線:“0927-686-195”簡先生-==>對不起打擾你了這是一封廣告信如有有打擾到你麻煩請刪除謝謝!本公司準備上億資金近期開辦各類上_市.未_上_市_興_櫃股票抵押借款業務,歡迎多加利用█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█田田█【請存檔本信,方便你日後買賣未_上_市_股_票】我的email<> ~0927-686-195簡先生mailto:chen-a999@umail.hinet.net如何七年賺十億?==>創投式==>0916-813-630Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:48:25 +0200
I have no idea whatsoever what I'm supposed to do with that.

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