HolyCoast: Today's Hurricane Headlines
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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Today's Hurricane Headlines

June 1st marks the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season, and our first tropical storm is already beating up Central America. There are some other interesting headlines on the hurricane front, from Drudge:

Senate global warming bill 'almost certainly doomed'...

WIRE: Hurricane season outlooks of little use...

Dems seek to nationalize hurricane insurance...

I include that first item because so many ignorant congressmen think that global warming is causing more hurricanes. That bill is bad news for the U.S. economy, and should it pass, will do more damage than Katrina and Andrew combined.

That last headline should surprise anyone either. People who favor socialism are always looking for ways to expand government by nationalizing various aspects of private business. Just the other day Dem idiot congresswoman Maxine Waters theatened to nationalize (or socialize as she said) the oil companies.

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