HolyCoast: Women of a Certain Age Are Not Happy With the Democrats
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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Women of a Certain Age Are Not Happy With the Democrats

In a piece entitled "Crone Wars", Robert Stacy McCain (no relation to John, I'm sure) writes about the disenchantment with Barack Obama by women of a certain age:
Because all the smart, hip, young "progressives" were enthralled by Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic Party elite were able to convince themselves that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had no real supporters -- or, at least, no supporters with the kind of passionate intensity that Obama's acolytes could bring to the campaign.
Wrong. Hillary's most ardent supporters tend to be women of a certain age, but their intensity shouldn't be underestimated just because they belong to a post-menopausal demographic.

As they've watched their girl get shoved aside by the brash Obama and his youthful cohorts, Hillary's army of liberal crones has become increasingly embittered toward the Democrats.

That bitterness erupted like a volcano of venom Saturday, when some of Hillary's supporters were manhandled out of the ballroom at the Washington, D.C., hotel where the Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) was meeting.

One of the ejectees, an elderly Manhattanite who identified herself as Harriet Christian, stormed up to a phalanx of TV cameras and began ranting that, by denying Michigan and Florida the full representation that Clinton had demanded, the committee was rejecting "the best nominee that's possible." She continued:

"And the Democrats are throwing the election away! For what? An inadequate black male who would not have been running had it not been a white woman that was running for president! And I'm not going to shut my mouth anymore!...I'm no second-class citizen -- and g--damn the Democrats!"
Unity, schmunity. The Dems will lose a lot of these ladies in November who just can't stand to see their gal shunted aside like the dutiful wife who gets booted in favor of the 20-something secretary. Read the rest of the piece here.

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