HolyCoast: Adventures in Scientific Terminology
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Adventures in Scientific Terminology

Black holes are made up of unusually dense matter, not unlike these Dallas County Commissioners:
A special meeting about Dallas County traffic tickets turned tense and bizarre this afternoon.

County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.

Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.

Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."

That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.

Mayfield shot back that it was a figure of speech and a science term.

Commissioner Price is also on record as claiming that "angel food cake" and "devil's food cake" are racist terms.

Black holes are so dense they suck in everything around them and destroy them. Commissioner Price is so dense he literally sucks the IQ points out of everyone he interacts with.

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