HolyCoast: Bias? What bias?
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Bias? What bias?

Nobody here but us objective reporters... (from Rasmussen Reports)

The belief that reporters are trying to help Barack Obama win the fall campaign has grown by five percentage points over the past month. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that 49% of voters believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage, up from 44% a month ago.

Just 14% believe most reporters will try to help John McCain win, little changed from 13% a month ago. Just one voter in four (24%) believes that most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage. ...

A separate survey released this morning also found that 50% of voters believe most reporters want to make the economy seem worse than it is. A plurality believes that the media has also tried to make the war in Iraq appear worse that it really is.

The only surprise there is that 51% of voters still haven't figure out that the mainstream media is totally in the tank for the Obamessiah.

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