HolyCoast: California's Second Most Violated Traffic Law
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

California's Second Most Violated Traffic Law

Today California's new hands-free cellphone law takes effect, and it will easily become the State's second most violated traffic law (the speed limit will continue to be #1). Some nanny-stater decided that the problem with drivers was the fact that many were holding their phones in one hand and supposedly that was causing accidents. In fact, studies have shown that it's not the act of holding the phone to your ear that causes wrecks but the conversation itself. Having a hands-free device will not reduce the distractions created by the conversation.

The media is out riding with the highway patrol to catch violators, and I heard one officer say this new law would "give them something else to enforce". As he said that people were driving by at 80 mph. I think they already have plenty to enforce.

According to the linked story some drivers are pulling over on the freeway to make or take phone calls if they don't have the required device. What they don't know is that it's also illegal to pull over on the freeway in a non-emergency situation. You're screwed either way.

I have a bluetooth device that I've used maybe twice since I've had the phone (over a year). I feel like a dork with that thing on my ear - like I should be directing traffic at the airport or something. I can't hear as well on it, and frankly, probably won't use it. CHP officers are not that hard to avoid.

Meanwhile, drivers talking on their hands-free devices will now have a hand free to hold their soft drink, coffee, make-up, donut, electric shaver, or who knows what else people do in their car. I doubt there will be any noticeable decline in the accident rates, but some fool will say "if only one accident is prevented it's worth it".

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