HolyCoast: Democrats Feeling Unblessed by the Obamessiah
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Democrats Feeling Unblessed by the Obamessiah

This is what happens when a campaign is based on a cult of personality worship and not on political principles:
After a brief bout of Obamamania, some Capitol Hill Democrats have begun to complain privately that Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is insular, uncooperative and inattentive to their hopes for a broad Democratic victory in November.

“They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” groused one senior Senate Democratic aide. “They are kind of insufferable at this point.”

Among the grievances described by Democratic leadership insiders:

• Until a mailing that went out in the past few days, Obama had done little fundraising for Democratic candidates since signing off on e-mailed fundraising appeals for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee immediately after securing the Democratic nomination.

• Obama has sometimes appeared in members’ districts with no advance notice to lawmakers, resulting in lost opportunities for those Democrats to score points by appearing alongside their party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

• The Obama campaign has not, until very recently, coordinated a daily message with congressional Democrats, leaving Democratic members in the lurch when they’re asked to comment on the constant back and forth between Obama and John McCain — as they were when Obama said earlier this month that he would “continue to refine” his Iraq policies after meeting with commanders on the ground there.

• Coordination between the Obama campaign and the House and Senate leadership is so weak that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — who will chair the Democrats’ convention in August — didn’t know of Obama’s decision to move his final-night acceptance speech from the Pepsi Center to Invesco Field until the campaign announced it on a conference call with reporters.

Obama spokesman Bill Burton dismissed the criticism as not-for-attribution complaints of staffers who aren’t knowledgeable about the campaign’s Hill coordination efforts.
No surprise here. The Democrats are finally starting to realize what many of us figured out long ago. This campaign is about Obama, not about Democrats or even liberal politics. Just Obama. The Obamessiah really doesn't care whether his success has coattails for others in the party. That's irrelevant to the overriding goal of getting himself elected.

His political career has been all about him from the beginning. He pulled what many called dirty politics to knock his competition off the ballot and win his first State Senate seat. As soon as the polls closed on that race he started trying to figure out how to oust a very well known Dem congressman. He got slapped down that time, so he then set his sights on the U.S. Senate which he won thanks to nearly no opposition. He had only been in the Senate 143 days when he decided it was time to update the resume again and go for President of the United States. Should he win in November, I would expect him to make a play to oust the Pope and take that job sometime next year - unless a position of ruler of the world can be created.

He's not a Democrat...he's the Obamessiah.

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