HolyCoast: Fine Dining in South Central
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fine Dining in South Central

The Nanny State City Council is out to save their little part of the world:
The Los Angeles City Council is set to vote on a moratorium on new fast food restaurants in the neighborhood of South Los Angeles. Some city officials say the high obesity rate goes hand-in-hand with the limited restaurant options in the community. Public health records indicate 30 percent of adults in south L.A. are obese compared to just 19 percent in metropolitan Los Angeles.

City Councilman Bernard Parks says, "Our communities have an extreme shortage of quality foods."

Supporters of the year-long moratorium hope to attract restaurants that serve healthier food to the area. But California Restaurant Association spokesman Andrew Casana says, "What's next — security guards at the door saying 'you're overweight, you can't have a cheeseburger?'"

I'm sure there are many fine dining establishments that are hoping for an opportunity to build new restaurants in South Central. There's still plenty of land available on all those lots where the previous buildings were burned down in the riots.

Isn't it amazing how Nanny State politicians think they can suspend market forces with the stroke of a pen? Perhaps there's aren't finer dining eateries in those areas because there isn't a market for their higher priced services? This new regulation isn't going to change that.

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