HolyCoast: Governator Vetoes Global Warming Indoctrination Bill
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Governator Vetoes Global Warming Indoctrination Bill

The Governator is a big fan of human-caused global warming, but fortunately he didn't fall into the trap of adding indoctrination into the school curriculum:

California public students will stick to reading, writing and arithmetic, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger decided as he vetoed a bill late Friday that would have required climate change be added to schools' curriculum.

The measure, sponsored by state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, also would have required future science textbooks to include climate change as a subject.

In January, the state Senate approved the bill, SB 908, by a 26-13 vote. Only two Republicans supported the proposal.

In his veto statement, Schwarzenegger said he supported education that spotlights the dangers of climate change. However, the Republican governor said he was opposed to educational mandates from Sacramento.

I'm glad. I was afraid it was going to take time away from the homosexual education requirement in the bill he signed a few months ago.

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