HolyCoast: A Little Vacation
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Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Little Vacation

Depending on what time Saturday you're reading this we're either on our way or are already in Las Vegas where we'll be hanging out through Wednesday, July 9th. This is going to be a bit of a photo safari as I'm going to try and take a bunch of great nighttime shots of the Strip hotels, and on the evening of my wife's birthday we'll be seeing Spamalot at the Wynn Resort.

Blogging will be sporadic while I'm gone, depending entirely on when I can't stand the forecast 113 degree heat and need to cool off in the hotel for awhile (check out the 5 day forecast at left). Since it's a holiday weekend, I'm hoping there won't be much big breaking news, but the political cycle is becoming predictable, so I'll go ahead and tell you what will probably happen while I'm gone:

  • Barack Obama will flip on at least one more liberal position as he sprints to the center and leaves the lefties weeping in his wake (watch his position on an Iraq pullout).

  • Obama will also throw one or more former associates under the bus and will claim "(fill in name) is not the person I used to know".

  • John McCain will continue to promote the idea that we should elect him because he's so good at "crossing the aisle" and "reaching out to Democrats", even though they never cross the aisle to reach out to him.

  • The media and the Dems will ignore any and all good news coming out of Iraq.

  • A succession of lefty columnists will publish columns decrying the United States and claiming we should all be ashamed for being Americans.

  • Chuckie Schumer will tell us that any energy plan proposed by the Administration is not worth pursuing because it will take at least 10 years before it yields any results (the same thing he said about ANWR in 1995).

  • Nancy Pelosi will do something "for the children".

  • Harry Reid will say something moronic (I know, going for the low hanging fruit on that one).
If anything else worthwhile happens I'll try to write about it. I'll also post some of the night shots that I get while we're running around.

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