HolyCoast: Obamessiah Was Against The Surge Before He Was, Uh Well, Against It
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obamessiah Was Against The Surge Before He Was, Uh Well, Against It

People who can't admit mistakes are dangerous people to have in charge of anything:
Q: If you had to do it over again, knowing what you know now, would you support the surge?

A: No, because, keep in mind that…

Q: You wouldn’t?

A: Keep in mind… These kinds of hypotheticals are very difficult. Hindsight is 20/20. But I think that, what I’m absolutely convinced of, is that at that time we had to change the political debate because the view of the Bush administration at that time was one that I just disagreed with.
As Charles Krauthammer said on Special Report, that answer is pure gibberish. It doesn't start anywhere and it doesn't end anywhere. It's nonsense disguised as a serious answer.

I might have a little respect for the guy if he had said "I was wrong on the surge - it's worked surprisingly well and now my plan has a better chance to succeed."

But he didn't say that.

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