HolyCoast: The Official Obama World Apology Tour Logo
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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Official Obama World Apology Tour Logo

David Lunde has created the Official Obama World Apology Tour Logo (h/t Michelle Malkin):
Obama Road. And no, Charlie Gibson isn't dead.

Obama has barely started his trip and he's already adding to the gaffe collection. How about this from Afghanistan:
Today on CBS's Face the Nation, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in Afghanistan, told the paparazzi-pursued correspondent Lara Logan that "the objective of this trip was to have substantive discussions with people like President Karzai or Prime Minister Maliki or President Sarkozy or others who I expect to be dealing with over the next eight to 10 years.
He must be splitting the difference between two Senate terms and two presidential terms. Either that or he expects that his magnificence will earn him a third term.

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