HolyCoast: A Phony GOP Campaign in Southern California
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Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Phony GOP Campaign in Southern California

Want a creative way to raise funds you don't have to pay back? How about pretending to be a candidate for office:
Aliso Viejo's Delecia Holt looked like the dream Republican candidate to challenge Democratic incumbent Susan Davis in San Diego's heavily minority 53rd Congressional District.

Holt is a minority, the type of candidate the GOP has trouble finding. Her résumé described her as a member of the illustrious GOP Lincoln Club with a successful career in real estate. Most impressive, she'd raised more than $200,000 – a huge amount for a challenger in such a race.

But there were also hints of something fishy. Like the "Fountain of Youth" juice she's peddling on her campaign Web site for $45 a bottle.

Holt, 46, ended up not filing to appear on the ballot. The Lincoln Club says she's not a member in either Orange County or San Diego. The District Attorney's Office is looking into her real estate dealings. She owes $32,000 in toll road penalties. Three nonprofits have complained about her use of their names for fundraisers in which they were not involved.

And the $216,000 she reported raising?

The Register wrote each of the 217 donors at the addresses listed on Holt's federal financial filings, inquiring about their donations. Not a single one responded that they had supported the would-be candidate.

The Register heard back from eight of the listed donors – all said they had not given Holt money, and six said they'd never heard of her.

"We aren't in a position to be giving money to anybody," said Vista's Jill Granquist, who is listed as having contributed $2,000, but whose financial straits led to losing her home to foreclosure in March. "I've never heard of her, but this makes me kind of curious."

Most of those listed as donors no longer lived at the addresses listed – 165 of the 217 letters were returned as undeliverable. Records show that at least 96 lost their homes to foreclosure.

Questions arise left and right about Holt. But most puzzling is why she would file a campaign financial disclosure listing money from people who said they never donated.

In response to Register inquiries by phone and e-mail – and several requests to talk by phone – Holt asked for questions to be e-mailed to her.

Although Holt did not respond directly to many of the questions, she said she was not aware of any errors on her form. She said she decided not to run this year, and would be using the money raised for a 2010 campaign.

"This does not appear to be the year for a Republican to run in the 53rd congressional district and it may prove to be a serious waste of contributors' money," Holt wrote. "I prayed and consulted several advisors before we made this decision."

She declined to provide the names and phone numbers of supporters the Register could contact to discuss her would-be candidacy.

There won't be a 2010 campaign. I fully expect her to be in jail by then.

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