HolyCoast: Sean Connery, Father of the Year
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sean Connery, Father of the Year

The UPI reports that the original James Bond and more lately Indiana Jones' father, actor Sean Connery, has been "accused" of the dastardly deed of trying to make a man out of his son:
Connery accused of withholding funds

EDINBURGH, Scotland, July 20 (UPI) — Scottish actor Sean Connery stopped giving his son money to force him to make his own way in life, the actor's former wife says.

Diane Cilento alleged the former star of the James Bond movie series said several years ago he would no longer give his son Jason any money as part of his goal of teaching the young man how to earn a living on his own, The Sunday Times of London reported.
Mark Hemingway at the Corner has a suggestion:
Would that the Hilton family, the Kennedys, Lionel Richie, Bruce Jenner, Robert Kardashian, every parent on the Upper West Side, et al. were equally guilty.


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