HolyCoast: Some Perspective on ANWR
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some Perspective on ANWR

The boys at KHND sent me some photos and graphics that add a little perspective on the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the tiny area where we should be drilling for vast oil reserves. First, a map:That little red dot represents the 2,000 acre drilling site. And, we're told, drilling would be harmful the local wildlife. Let's look and see the panic that has been sowed among the caribou and bears at other drilling locations in Alaska:

With gasoline at $4.50 a gallon this issue isn't going away, and unless the Democrats agree to open up the offshore tracts and ANWR the GOP will have the opportunity to beat them over the heads with their ignorance. Unfortunately, John McCain is as ill-informed as Obama and the Democrats, so don't look for any help from him, but there are still a few Republicans with the will to fight this battle.

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