HolyCoast: "That Gal's Almost as Ugly as the Congresswoman"
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Friday, July 25, 2008

"That Gal's Almost as Ugly as the Congresswoman"

That's what one of the folks in rural Ohio might have had to say about the "body double" the congresswoman sent to their parade (from Patrick Poole):

Dem and Dumber in Ohio

Democratic congressional candidate Mary Jo Kilroy sent a look-alike to rural parade. Much like Saddam Hussein, Ohio 15th congressional district Democratic candidate Mary Jo Kilroy uses body doubles when she tireItalics of having to deal with all of the little people she intends to represent.

Such was the case last week when Kilroy sent her campaign body double to represent her at the Plain City Steam Thresher parade. Apparently the Amish-dominated city was too tough a crowd for Kilroy to handle. Matt Naugle broke the story this morning on his much-watched Ohio political blog, NaugBlog, complete with video of her stand-in's performance captured by the Ohio Republican Party.

The Ohio 15th district seat is one that Democrats are hoping to pick up this November from Republicans, with longtime incumbent Rep. Deborah Pryce retiring. Pryce narrowly beat Kilroy by only 1,055 votes in 2006. The district is evenly split between Republicans and Democrats.

Kilroy's support comes primarily from Columbus, but the rural counties (Union and Madison) west of the city lean heavily Republican. Coincidentally, Plain City, where Kilroy's body double made her appearance, is in Madison County.

Amazing. Can we get a body double for Nancy Pelosi? The double's got to be smarter.

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