HolyCoast: With Christians Like This, Who Needs Infidels?
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

With Christians Like This, Who Needs Infidels?

Being ashamed of your own faith is probably not a good trait for the worldwide leader of a denomination:
The archbishop of Canterbury — leader of most of the world's Anglicans and Episcopalians — is apologizing to British Muslims for his faith.

The Daily Mail newspaper reports that Rowan Williams writes in a letter to Islamic leaders that belief in Christianity's Holy Trinity is "difficult — sometimes offensive to Muslims."

He adds, "Christianity has been promoted at the point of the sword and legally supported by extreme sanctions."

The archbishop was replying to Islamic leaders from 43 countries who sent letters last November to Christians in an effort to find common ground. Williams is calling on Christians and Muslims to work together against prejudice.

His remarks come after he sparked a firestorm of controversy in February when he suggested that Muslim Sharia law be incorporated into the British legal system.
The ironic thing is that once Sharia law is fully implemented in Britain (and it won't be long), this guy will be one of the first to lose his head.

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