HolyCoast: 28% of Dem Delegates Want Clinton for VP
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

28% of Dem Delegates Want Clinton for VP

I think 28% of the Dem delegates will be disappointed:
(CBS) Senator Hillary Clinton is by far the favorite choice for the number two spot on the Democratic ticket, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll of delegates to the Democratic convention. When asked who they would like Barack Obama to select, 28 percent volunteer her as their top choice for Vice Presidential nominee.

Six percent volunteer Delaware Senator Joe Biden, and four percent mention two other unsuccessful Democratic candidates: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards. [Most of the interviews for this poll were conducted before Edwards admitted to having an extramarital affair.] Another 4 percent volunteer Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.
In other Dem convention news, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has announced that when the roll call of the states is held, he will vote for Hillary...and then enthusiastically support Obama. The vote will "make him feel better".

I guess those Clinton folks really do need that catharsis.

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