HolyCoast: The Campaign That Couldn't Accuse Straight
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Campaign That Couldn't Accuse Straight

Does anybody in the Obamessiah's campaign actually read these speeches he gives? Is there a fact checker in the house?
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — Democratic candidate Barack Obama criticized Republican John McCain on Tuesday for taking a page out of "the Cheney playbook" on energy, overlooking his own support of oil-friendly policies that the unpopular vice president helped to craft.

Vice President Dick Cheney, a former oilman, early in the Bush administration helped draft an energy policy that Obama asserted is biased in favor of tax breaks and favorable treatment for big oil. Obama's remarks were an attempt to capitalize on Cheney's unpopularity. . . .

However, Obama himself voted for a 2005 energy bill backed by Bush that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production, a measure Cheney played a major role in developing. McCain opposed the bill on grounds it included billions in unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry.
Now which candidate seems "confused"? Is it not becoming staggeringly clear that the Obamessiah believes he can say ANYTHING and get away with it?

Not anymore. People, and even the press, are starting to pay attention. And when a Nevada reporter pointed out the error, he got a snippy response from the Obamessiah:
"I thought I was talking to you instead of debating John McCain, but I am happy to let you serve as his proxy."

Thou shalt not challenge the commandments of the Obamessiah.

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