HolyCoast: Change We Can Question
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Change We Can Question

The Obamessiah's official campaign slogan has been "changed" from "Change We Can Believe In" (which was a direct shot at the integrity of the Clintons), to "Change We Need". I'd like to suggest a new one: "Change We Can Question".

Let's play a little game here called "When Were They Lying?". Our contestants will be Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and the mainstream media. The questions:
  1. Was Hillary Clinton lying during the campaign when she said Obama was not ready to be president, or during her convention speech when she endorsed him?
  2. Was Bill Clinton lying during the campaign when he called the Obama campaign a "fairy tale" and stated that Obama was not ready to be president, or during the convention speech when he said he was?
  3. Was Joe Biden lying when he stated he would gladly run on a ticket with John McCain and that Obama was not ready to be president, or during last night's convention speech when he claimed Obama would be a better president than McCain?
  4. Was Michelle Obama lying when she claimed that her husband's campaign was the first time in her life she'd ever been proud of her country, or during her campaign speech when she said she had always loved her country?
  5. Was the mainstream media lying when they claimed to be objective reporters, or when they claimed to be objective reporters?
And to further illustrate the point, we have the newest McCain campaign ad.
Another winner from the McCain media team. And that's not all - according to Campaign Spot McCain has another ad coming out just in time for the Greek Temple speech:
In other news, the McCain camp promises an ad coming today where "Senator McCain is going to speak direct to camera to Barack Obama... It’s going to be a very exciting ad, and I think it’s going to get a lot of attention."

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