HolyCoast: Church Turns Down Lottery Winner's Tithe
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Church Turns Down Lottery Winner's Tithe

I'm not sure about this:
ORANGE PARK, FL -- After Robert Powell hit the Florida Lottery jackpot last month and took home more than $6 million, he thought of his church.

And he offered to drop his tithe, around $600,000, in the collection plate of First Baptist Orange Park.

But the church and Pastor David Tarkington politely declined and told Powell they will not accept the lottery winnings.
The problem with this is how does the church know that it wasn't God's will to bless the church with this money by allowing one of their faithful members to win? If somebody wants to donate their tithe to my ministry, as long as the money wasn't made through illegal means, it's okay with me.

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