HolyCoast: Few Signs of Maturity From Denver Protesters
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Few Signs of Maturity From Denver Protesters

I'm not sure which group is more ridiculous - the protesters from the various lefty wacko groups that plan to protest in Denver, the DNC, or the Denver City Council:
Representatives of three groups planning protests during the Democratic National Convention will be signing what they're calling a "Doo Doo Accord" in advance of a City Council meeting where an ordinance that would ban protesters from carrying certain items, such as buckets of feces, is up for final consideration.

The groups — Unconventional Denver, Re-create 68 Alliance and the Alliance for Real Democracy — are calling the accord a "Non-Pooliferation Treaty."

"We're hoping this puts everything poo-related behind us so that we can focus on the real issue, which is the fact that the Democrats are part of a crappy system oppresses and coerces communities into a capitalist economy and undemocratic government," Ben Yager, a member of Unconventional Denver, a group of self-described anarchists, said in a statement.

After they sign the accord, the groups said they will attend tonight's council meeting and "offer the city the opportunity to sign on so that all sides are in agreement and can move beyond the constipating public discourse on feces and urine."

Protesters opposing an ordinance that would prohibit people from carrying items that could block access or deter police during the DNC are also planning to express their opposition with theatrics when the council takes up the ordinance on final consideration.

They've all got...well, you know what...for brains.

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