HolyCoast: Georgia: Just a Plot to Stop Obama
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Georgia: Just a Plot to Stop Obama

The old Cold War propaganda machine is ramping up in Russia:
Russians were told over breakfast yesterday what really happened in Georgia: the conflict in South Ossetia was part of a plot by Dick Cheney, the Vice-President, to stop Barak Obama being elected president of the United States.

The line came on the main news of Vesti FM, a state radio station that — like the Government and much of Russia's media — has reverted to the old habits of Soviet years, in which a sinister American hand was held to lie behind every conflict, especially those embarrassing to Moscow. Modern Russia may be plugged into the internet and the global marketplace but in the battle for world opinion the Kremlin is replaying the old black-and-white movie.

The Obama angle is getting wide play. It was aired on Wednesday by Sergei Markov, a senior political scientist who is close to Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister and power behind President Medvedev.

“George Bush's Administration is promoting interests of candidate John McCain,” said Dr Markov. “Defeated by Barak Obama on all fronts, McCain has one last card to play yet - the creation of a virtual Cold War with Russia . . . Bush himself did not want a war in South Ossetia but his Republican Party did not leave him any choice.” The Americans were now engineering an armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Dr Markov added.

The thing is, you don't have to look at Russian media to find theories like this thrown around. Wacky left columnist Robert Scheer made the same allegations in a recent column.

So, why would an armed conflict be a threat to Obama? Could it be that voters perceive him as weak on national security issues? Is he too willing to talk and not willing enough to act? All of the above, and complaints from Russia and Scheer actually serve to reinforce that idea.

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