HolyCoast: Hysterical Leftist Attacks on Palin
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hysterical Leftist Attacks on Palin

Just how absolutely freaking nuts are the lefties? One only needs to look at the quality of attacks being launched at Sarah Palin. Here are some examples:
  • At DailyKos, the completely unreadable but largest lefty blog on the internet, the three-year olds that write posts there are running breathless updates claiming that Palin's youngest child is actually her grandchild, born to her 17-year old daughter. Do you think maybe those people should watch a lot less Desperate Housewives this year? I guess the entire medical establishment in Alaska has bound together to protect a Republican. Ann Althouse has more.
  • Liberal TV and radio non-personality Alan Colmes, who regularly takes a beating from Sean Hannity on their TV show, posted a blog entry blaming Palin's son's Down's Syndrome on poor pre-natal care by Palin. Blaming the mother for a Down's child. That's pure ignorance and absolutely vile. Colmes has since pulled the post off his site, but the damage is done...to Colmes' career.
  • Florida Rep. Robert Wexler went into a spittle-flecked rage when it was learned that Palin wore a Pat Buchanan button when welcoming him to the small town in Alaska where she was mayor. Buchanan compounded the issue by falsely claiming that Palin has been a major supporter of his (later disproven through numerous sources). Why would that be a big deal? Buchanan is considered by any on the left to be anti-Semitic, therefore in Wexler's wacky world, Palin is anti-Semitic and Wexler immediately sounded the alarm in the Jewish community. Let's remember that Wexler is the guy who started the whole "butterfly ballot" nonsense in 2000 when he claimed that voters were calling his office in tears because they may have accidentally voted for Buchanan. Wexler is not to be trusted on anything.

And this is just the beginning. Just watch and see what comes next. I'm sure some lefty is drooling over a blog post blaming Palin's charter jet flight to Arizona and Dayton for triggering Hurricane Gustav. And he'll have some nutty scientist to back him up, too.

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