HolyCoast: I Said I'd Never Vote for McCain, and I Won't. I'll Vote for Palin.
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Friday, August 29, 2008

I Said I'd Never Vote for McCain, and I Won't. I'll Vote for Palin.

You may notice the addition of the McCain-Palin button in the righthand sidebar. I've often written that I could never vote for John McCain because of the way he's often worked against his own party and has seemed to favor getting along with Democrats more than getting along with Republicans. He also played to the media more than I liked (but I think those days are over). So, I'm not going to vote for him. I'm going to vote for Sarah Palin.

"Wait a minute", you may be saying, "you can't do that! You have to vote for McCain if you're going to vote for Palin!"

Hey, don't blame me for the way the system is designed. I'll just click that box and hope McCain decides to stop at one term.

How's that for a dodge?

It's pretty obvious that Barack Obama would be a disaster for this country, and although I have my problems with McCain, we need a Republican in the White House to counteract the nonsense that's likely to come from a Democrat congress. McCain's not the best, but he's the best we've got to vote for.

UPDATE: It looks like Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family has come to the same conclusion.

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